- Full Website Access, including access to Members only portal – which includes the latest research and reports in the area of Flexible & Inclusive Education
- Discounted registration fees for the biennial Doing School Differently Conference
- Opportunities to connect with a growing network of professions who share your passion for providing Flexible & Inclusive educational opportunities for young people
- Opportunities to contribute to the knowledge base of Flexible and Inclusive educational practices
Proof of student enrolment must demonstrate registration in an accredited Education, Humanities/Behavioural Sciences, Social work or other relevant course.
When applying for student membership please provide evidence of your enrolment:
- A copy of your current student card
- A letter confirming your enrolment from your University facility - must be studying full-time
Proof of unwaged (Volunteer) status must demonstrate that you are not currently being paid in your position. When applying for unwaged Membership please provide evidence:
- A letter confirming your employment status from the organisation/program you are associated with
Please email all necessary documentation to
info@aafie.org.au. Please note your account will not be activated until we receive the required documentation.